Big Batch Beef - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Big Batch Beef

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Big Batch Beef

  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 25
  • Total Time: 35
  • Serving: 10


4 lb (2 kg) Extra-Lean or Lean Ground Beef or Lean Ground Sirloin, Chuck or Round

4 EACH onions and garlic cloves, minced


Cook ground beef in Dutch oven over medium-high heat for 9 to 10 minutes, breaking into small chunks with back of spoon, until browned and completely cooked. Drain, and return to pot. Add onion and garlic simmer for 12 to 15 minutes until vegetables are softened.

Spread mixture in a single layer on several foil or parchment paper-lined baking trays; freeze just until meat is firm, about 1 hour.

Loosen beef mixture into chunks; scoop meal-sized portions into freezer bags. Freeze for up to 3 months.

Yield: 10 cups 2.5 L