Greek Beef Pot Roast and More… - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Greek Beef Pot Roast and More…

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Greek Beef Pot Roast and More…

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 480
  • Total Time: 85
  • Serving: 8


3 ½ lb (1.75 kg) boneless Beef Pot Roast (e.g. Cross Rib, Blade or Shoulder Pot Roast), trimmed

1 tbsp (15 mL) vegetable oil

1 ¾ cup (425 mL) tomato pasta sauce

½ cup (125 mL) sliced pitted Greek kalamata olives

1 tbsp (15 mL) dried oregano leaves

Crumbled feta cheese and chopped fresh parsley (optional)


Brown roast on all sides in hot oil in large frypan. Place roast in 4 or 5-quart (4 or 5 L) slow cooker.

Combine pasta sauce, olives and oregano; spoon over roast in slow cooker to coat the meat well. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours.

Carve roast into thin slices across the grain. Serve with mashed potatoes, rice or pasta, spooning juices from slow cooker over each serving. Sprinkle with feta and parsley if desired.

Dinner Part Two…And Three: Just make one of the two bright idea recipes below for a leftover dinner option that’s far from boring.

The Greek Salad Sandwich: Toss thin slices of cooked Greek Pot Roast with bottled Greek vinaigrette to moisten. Spread split focaccia bread with purchased tzatziki sauce and layer slices of beef with sliced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, crumbled feta, pitted Kalamata olives and shaved red onion.

Beefy Pasta Toss: Mix equal amounts of cooking sauce from the Greek Pot Roast with tomato pasta sauce. Add shreds of cooked Greek Pot Roast and heat through. Toss sauce with cooked pasta and sprinkle each serving with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Serve with green salad.