Chinese Hot Pot at Home - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Chinese Hot Pot at Home

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Chinese Hot Pot at Home

  • Prep Time: 20
  • Cook Time: 15
  • Total Time: 35
  • Serving: 4


Beef Broth
1 tsp (5 mL) canola or sunflower oil

5 cloves garlic

½ onion

3 dried Chinese dates (optional)

2 cups (500 mL) beef broth

Red Thai Curry Broth
1 tsp (5 mL) canola or sunflower oil

5 cloves garlic

½ onion

4 to 5 dried red chili peppers (optional)

½ cup (125 mL) coconut milk

1 tbsp (15 mL) Thai red curry paste

2 tbsp (30 mL) fish sauce

Dipping Sauce
4 egg yolks (optional)

4 cloves garlic, minced

½ cup (125 mL) soy sauce

¼ cup (60 mL) peanut butter

¼ cup (60 mL) shacha sauce (sate or Chinese barbecue sauce, see Tip*)

4 tsp (2- mL) EACH liquid honey and sesame oil

¼ cup (50 mL) finely chopped fresh cilantro (optional)

Foods for Hot Pot Cooking (choose a selection):

Baby bok choy

Sliced daikon radish

Sliced lotus root

Shiitake mushrooms

Enoki mushrooms

½ lb (250 g) thinly sliced Beef Rib Eye Grilling Steak

½ lb (250 g) thinly sliced Beef Flank Marinating Steak

Udon noodles

Tofu puffs

Assorted tofu fish balls

Fried bean curd roll


1. Beef Broth and Red Thai Curry Broth: Heat a dual stainless-steel pot over low heat. Add 1 tsp (5 mL) oil in each side of the pot. Stir garlic and onion into each side. To one side add beef broth, red Chinese dates (if using), and about 3 cups (750 mL) water (or as much as fits in the pot leaving about 1½ inches/4 cm space from the top). In the other side, stir in chili peppers to taste, coconut milk, red curry paste, fish sauce and about 4½ cups (1.125 L) water (or as much as fits in the pot leaving about 1½ inches/4 cm space from the top). Cover with the lid and bring to a boil.

2. Dipping Sauce: Whisk together egg yolks (if using), garlic, soy sauce, peanut butter, shacha, honey, sesame oil and cilantro (if using) in a small bowl. Divide into individual serving bowls (one for each diner). Set aside.

3. Foods for Hot Pot Cooking: Cut vegetables into bite-size pieces. Arrange the hot pot foods on individual plates, platters and bowls, keeping beef and any other raw foods on separate plate from all other ingredients. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

4. Setting Up the Table: Set the portable burner on a heatproof surface pot in the centre of the table. Set the pot of broth on the burner. . Arrange the plates, platters and bowls of foods around the hot pot. Provide slotted metal spoons, individual serving bowls and wooden chopsticks for everyone. Have separate chopsticks or small tongs set aside for the raw beef slices, and a set of chopsticks in each bowl of food for adding to the pot.

5. To Cook Hot Pot Foods: Guide diners to add foods with slotted metal spoons and chopsticks into the boiling broth as desired. Once the food floats to the surface it is cooked. Cook all raw ingredients thoroughly. Transfer cooked foods from the hot pot with slotted spoons to individual serving bowls and serve with Dipping Sauce. Ensure the broth returns to a boil before adding more raw ingredients.


If you don’t have a two-sided hot pot, make just one of the broths, doubling the quantity. If you have two pots, make both broths, increasing the quantity, if necessary to fill the pots up to 1½ inches (4 cm) from the top of the pot.

* Look for sacha, also called sate, sha cha or Chinese barbecue sauce, in a Chinese grocery store or Asian section of a well-stocked supermarket. Two popular brands are Bullhead and Lee Kum Kee.