Beef “Lollipops” with Cantaloupe Salad - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Beef “Lollipops” with Cantaloupe Salad

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Beef “Lollipops” with Cantaloupe Salad

  • Prep Time: 20
  • Cook Time: 15
  • Total Time: 35
  • Serving: 6


½ cup EACH vegetable oil, teriyaki sauce and minced onion

Grated orange zest and juice of 1 large orange

2 tsp EACH Asian chili sauce, sesame oil and minced clove garlic and gingerroot

1 ½ lb (750 g) Beef Flank or Inside Skirt Marinating Steak

4 cups mixed salad greens

4 cups Salad ingredients: sliced cucumber, cantaloupe chunks, diced sweet red pepper, slivers onion, etc

Citrus Dressing
⅓ cup (75 mL) olive oil

⅓ cup (75 mL) apple cider or white vinegar


Combine vegetable oil, teriyaki sauce, onion, orange zest and juice, chili sauce, garlic, gingerroot, and sesame oil in large dish or sealable freezer bag. Remove 1 cup of the marinade and set aside to use in Citrus Salad Dressing.

Pierce steak all over with a fork; add to dish or bag. Cover or seal and refrigerate for 4 or up to 12 hours.

Discard marinade; pat steak dry with paper towel and season lightly with salt and pepper on both sides. Slice steak across the grain into 1-inch wide strips. Roll up each strip into a pinwheel shape and thread onto metal or soaked wooden skewers to make lollipops. (NOTE: you can thread several ‘lollies’ onto each stick like you would kabob cubes.)

Place lollipops on well oiled grill that is preheated to 400°F and cook for 3 to 5 minutes per side. Cover loosely with foil and let rest 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, combine reserved 1 cup marinade with apple cider vinegar and olive oil to make Citrus Dressing. Toss dressing with salad greens and other salad ingredients and serve with Lollipops as an appetizer or main.