Best Barbecued Beef Roast - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Best Barbecued Beef Roast

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Best Barbecued Beef Roast

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 90
  • Total Time: 135


4 lb (2 kg) Beef Sirloin Tip Oven Roast

2 cup (500 mL) salad dressing (e.g. balsamic vinaigrette or sun-dried tomato)


Pierce roast all over with fork. Place in large sealable freezer bag with dressing; refrigerate for 12 to 24 hours.

Place drip pan containing 1/2-inch (1 cm) water under grill. Heat barbecue to 400°F (200°C), using medium-high heat.

Discard marinade. Insert spit rod lengthwise through centre of roast; secure with holding forks. Insert meat thermometer into middle of roast avoiding spit rod.

Cook roast in closed barbecue over drip pan, maintaining constant heat, until thermometer reads 145°F(63°C) for medium-rare doneness (about 20 min/lb or 45 min/kg). Transfer roast to cutting board; tent with foil for 10 to 15 minutes. Carve into thin slices to serve.