Consumer Facts - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Listening to Canadians from Coast to Coast

Canada Beef is committed to listening to Canadian consumers. We understand beef is an investment and we are working hard to provide you with tools that will enhance your enjoyment and provide practical advice that will result in a delicious beef eating experience.

Did you know…

How to cook an oven roast is the number one question we’re asked at Canada Beef?

Cracked Pepper and Horseradish Crusted Oven Roast with Gravy

Beef Up Your Skills on how to cook a roast by taking our online cooking roast. Invest just 15 to 20 minutes and you’ll learn how to cook a perfect roast for a lifetime.

In this course we share research that finally determines whether tempering a roast at room temperature before cooking it is the right thing to do. Click here to learn more about this course!

Did you know…

Canada Beef can help you get better grades? Grades of beef that is!

When you bite into a juicy steak or roast, you want to enjoy the highest quality beef. Canadian beef grades help ensure that your beef has been meticulously chosen to deliver a delicious experience every time.

Learn how to choose from Canada’s best – and some of the world’s finest – beef to inspire your inner chef and tantalize your taste buds by clicking here:

Did you know…

More than half of Canadians continue to use websites to find information on how to cook beef!

You’ve found our Beef Up Your Skills webs pages full of information that will help you cook beef. Another great website brought to you by Canadian Beef Farmers and Ranchers is the Canadian Beef Information Gateway. This Gateway has over 70 beef cuts and various recipes for each cut. In fact, there are over 400 recipes – so try cooking a new beef cut or use a recipe to cook up your favorite cut in a new way!

Did you know…

One-third of Canadians use social media to find information on how to cook beef.

Canada Beef has many social media tools to provide you with all kinds of information.

Please connect with us on:

Did you know…

Research tells us that men are more likely to rely on television and the grocery store butcher and meat counter staff to find out how to cook beef.

If you like watching TV and you like cooking and eating beef, then CDN Beef TV is for you! Check out our first episode on Steak Curling by clicking here and enjoy the best of both worlds from the comfort of your living room!

Did you know…

Canadians could benefit from eating more beef.

Many Canadians aren’t getting enough of the essential nutrients they need. Research shows that almost half (46%) of the calories in our diets comes from nutrient-poor highly processed foods, so it’s not surprising that many of us aren’t meeting our daily nutrient needs for iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, thiamine, vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12.

Check out this video on the importance of iron. Check out this YouTube playlist for more Beef and Health videos.