Top Sirloin Cap Au Natural - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Top Sirloin Cap Au Natural

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Top Sirloin Cap Au Natural

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Cook Time: 15
  • Total Time: 20
  • Serving: 6


Coarse salt (like a Maldon sea salt or kosher salt)

Fresh coarsely ground black pepper

Beef Grilling Steak, (e.g. Top Sirloin Cap, Top Sirloin, Strip Loin, Tri-tip, Tenderloin), 1-inch (2.5 cm) thick

Garlic Smashed Potatoes (recipe follows)


Season steaks lightly all over with salt and pepper.

Grill over medium-high heat 8 to 10 minutes, turning at least twice, for medium-rare doneness 145°F(63°C).

Let steaks stand for 5 minutes before serving with Garlic Smashed Potatoes.

Garlic Smashed Potatoes: Boil scrubbed 3-inch (8 cm) new potatoes until just tender. Drain and cool slightly. Flatten each potato slightly with your hand, keeping potatoes intact. Brush generously with your favourite salad dressing and season with some minced garlic, salt and pepper. Grill about 3 minutes per side or until crispy and browned.