Deconstructed Beef Wellington - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Deconstructed Beef Wellington

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Deconstructed Beef Wellington

  • Prep Time: 45
  • Cook Time: 150
  • Total Time: 315
  • Serving: 6


2 ½ lb (1.5 kg) Centre-cut Beef Tenderloin Premium Oven Roast, cut into six 1-inch thick medallions

2 tbsp canola oil, divided

Coarsely ground salt and pepper

2 tbsp butter, divided

2 shallots, finely sliced

1 green onion, finely sliced

2 cups finely chopped mushrooms

1 pkg (397 g) puff-pastry dough, thawed

2 ½ oz chicken or duck liver paté (foie gras), thinly sliced

1 egg + 1 tbsp water, beaten to make an egg wash

Madeira Mushroom Sauce (recipe follows)

Wilted Spinach (recipe follows)


TO MAKE PUFF PASTRY WELLIES: Preheat oven to 425ºF. Roll out the package puff pastry dough on lightly floured board to a thickness of ½-inch. Using a sharp knife or cookie cutter, cut pastry into 3-inch circles. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Pierce each pastry piece several times with a fork. Brush with egg wash and bake 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown. Set aside.

TO MAKE BEEF: Reduce oven heat to 375ºF. Rub and season both sides of beef medallions with 1 tbsp of the oil, salt and pepper. Heat 1 tbsp butter with remaining oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat; brown meat on both sides, about 1 to 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a baking sheet. Set aside; in same skillet, melt remaining butter. Add shallots and onion and cook over medium-high heat, stirring, until softened for about 1 minute. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, until there is no liquid from the mushrooms remaining, about 5 to 10 minutes. Season to taste. NOTE: Set pan aside to use for Madeira Mushroom Sauce.

Top each medallion with paté slices and mushroom mixture. Bake in oven for 8 to 10 minutes to finish. Serve with Madeira Mushroom Sauce, Wilted Spinach and 1 to 2 puff pastry Wellies.


Place skillet used to make mushrooms over medium-high heat; stir in 4 cups beef broth, stirring up brown bits from bottom of pan. Bring to boil and cook for 15 to 20 minutes to reduce to 1-2/3 cups. Stir in 2/3 cup Madeira and continue to boil until liquid is reduced again to 1-2/3 cups about 5 minutes. Stir in a generous splash of whipping cream to finish. If desired, thicken by stirring in a mixture of 1 tsp corn starch with 1 tsp cold water; cook 3 to 4
minutes until slightly thickened. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour onto gravy boat to serve.


Place skillet used to make sauce over medium-high heat; stir in1 Tbsp butter and 1 tsp chopped garlic. Sauté for 1 minute. Add 4 cups baby spinach, stir to cover with butter for 30 seconds. Turn off heat, cover and allow spinach to wilt.