Carpaccio-style Beef with Patatas Bravas - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Carpaccio-style Beef with Patatas Bravas

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Carpaccio-style Beef with Patatas Bravas

  • Prep Time: 30
  • Cook Time: 35
  • Total Time: 15
  • Serving: 4


3 russet potatoes, thinly sliced

1 small onion, thinly sliced

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp butter

Salt & pepper

4 thyme sprigs

1 lb 500 g Top Sirloin Cap or Strip Loin Grilling Steaks

Salt & pepper

¼ cup EACH herbs: cilantro, basil, parsley

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 tsp anchovy paste

Squeeze of lemon + lemon zest

Olive oil

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/4 tsp smoked paprika

1/8 tsp chili powder

12 Whole grape tomatoes

3 cloves garlic, minced

Splash cider vinegar


Spray a single sheet of heavy foil with cooking spray. Add potatoes, onion, olive oil and butter. Season with salt and pepper to taste and toss with your hands to mix. Top with thyme sprigs and cover with a second sheet of sprayed foil. Crimp edges of foil to make a packet. Cook over medium-high heat on the barbecue, lid down, turning often until potatoes are soft and beginning to crisp up – about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, mince herbs and garlic on a cutting board. Add anchovy paste, zest of half a lemon, a squeeze of lemon juice and splash of olive oil. Mix together on the cutting board; set aside. Brush steak with a bit of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill over medium high heat to rare/medium-rare at the most. Place on the herb mixture on the cutting board, flipping the steak several times to coat with the herb mixture. Cover loosely with foil and let rest.

To make bravas-style tomatoes: combine olive oil and seasonings in a medium bowl; add tomatoes and toss to coat. Cook in non-stick pan over medium-high heat, stirring often for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook until tomatoes are wilted, about 5 minutes. Finish with splash of vinegar.

To serve, spoon potatoes on the plate, carve steak into very thin slices across the grain and top potatoes. Top with tomatoes.