Big Batch Beef Burritos - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Big Batch Beef Burritos

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Big Batch Beef Burritos

  • Prep Time: 30
  • Cook Time: 25
  • Total Time: 55
  • Serving: 8


1 ½ cups white rice

1 tbsp canola oil

1 green pepper diced

1 cooking onion diced

1.3 kg (2.5 lb) lean ground beef

1 tbsp chili powder

1 tbsp dried oregano

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp ground cumin powder

½ tsp salt

1 cup salsa

1 to 1 ½ cups canned beans, drained and rinsed

¾ cup chopped pickled jalapenos

16 small tortillas

Garnish: cilantro, shredded cheese, diced tomato, sour cream, salsa


Cook rice according to package directions. Once cooked pour the rice out on to a baking sheet or into a large bowl to cool.

Meanwhile, place a large skillet over medium heat and add canola oil, green pepper and onion. Cook for 5 min until vegetables are soft.

Turn the heat up to med-high and add the ground beef, chili powder, oregano, garlic powder, cumin and salt, cook, stirring occasionally until the meat is browned and cooked through.

Add the salsa, beans and pickled jalapenos; turn the heat down to medium and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes until excess liquid has evaporated or spoon it off. Remove from heat and cool.

Assemble garnishes. Place tortillas on small sheet of parchment paper or plastic wrap on the work surface. Add approximately ⅓ cup of rice and a ½ cup of beef mixture along the one third a tortilla. Top with chosen garnishes. Roll burrito up tightly by folding the tortilla over the fillings, tucking in both side edges and continuing to roll. Secure each roll in the plastic wrap or parchment sheet. Place the parcels in a large freezer bag and place in the freezer.

To serve: For a lunch box, simply remove from freezer and place in lunch box. Burrito will thaw throughout the day. If you have access to a microwave heat for 2 min and enjoy.


Garnishes such as cilantro, cheese and tomato work well rolled up inside the burritos. Sour cream and salsa are better served on the side.