Commercial Beef Processing in Canada

Commercial beef is typically produced using mature animals from the breeding herd. In Canada, slaughter of these cattle has increased over time to levels approximately double those seen in 2003. Commercial beef processing occurs in both eastern and western Canada. This capacity includes dedicated facilities which specialize in this type of production, as well as establishments able to supply beef from both fed and non-fed cattle.

Versatile and Cost Effective

Canadian commercial beef is a versatile and cost effective ingredient which can add significant value to your meat business. Commercial beef is used in a wide variety of applications which include production of ground beef, hamburger patties, sausage, precooked deli meats, heat-and-serve entrees, and a range of whole muscle products. Modern processing methods have created new opportunities for commercial beef utilization at retail and foodservice.

The Importance of Food Safety

A survey* of Canadian meat professionals purchasing beef for processing was conducted by an independent market research firm to determine key factors influencing purchasing decisions.

More than 90% of buyers surveyed indicated that beef from establishments with HACCP food safety systems was strongly preferred. A total of 88% reported that beef that had been tested for E. coli O157:H7 before shipment was strongly preferred. Almost all respondents (96%) indicated that beef from Canada was equally as safe or safer than the same type of product imported from offshore.

Canadian Beef Quality

Purchasers of beef for processing also reported that quality related factors significantly influenced their procurement decisions. More than 92% of buyers indicated that specification accuracy was very important to their purchasing decisions. The availability of fresh beef (not just frozen) was preferred by 60% of respondents. In total, 96% rated the quality of Canadian beef as equivalent or better than the same type of product imported from offshore.

Canadian Beef and Customer Satisfaction

The availability of a consistent supply of commercial beef was the highest rated factor with 94% of meat professionals surveyed indicating this was very important to their business. More than 80% of commercial beef purchasers reported that the profitability of Canadian commercial beef was as good as or better than offshore product. None of the respondents that had previously purchased Canadian commercial beef reported that they were unsatisfied with the product.
*Commissioned research of meat professionals purchasing beef for processing performed by Technomic Inc. in 2008.