sustainability - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Good for you, great for the environment.

You probably already know that beef is packed full of essential nutrients that nourish and protect your body.

But did you know raising Canadian cattle also helps nourish and protect our environment?

Join us, along with some friends, on this nationwide video farm tour and we’ll show you how!

Manning Family Farm


The mixed farm benefits from having both a vegetable greenhouse as well as cattle.

Manning Family Farm

Manning Family Farms is owned and operated by Dean and Catherine Manning. The mixed farm benefits from having both a vegetable greenhouse as well as cattle. The Mannings were named the national Environmental Stewardship Award recipients in 2021, which is presented by partners like Ducks Unlimited Canada.

Brylee Farms


Connecting the story, the animal and the people.

Brylee Farms

Brylee Farms is a 5th generation Quebec farm that produces direct-to-consumer beef through its onsite store. The family is passionate about preserving healthy land to create healthy food for people.

Dibbhurst Farms


Healthy soil feeds healthy crops, which feed healthy cattle and then creates healthy food.

Dibbhurst Farms

Dibbhurst Farms is a 4th generation Ontario farm that values sustainability. The Dibble family has designed their facilities to minimize energy requirements and focuses on maintaining healthy soil to keep the farm going for future generations.

Old Shore Cattle Company


Grazing to promote diverse, resilient ecosystems.

Old Shore Cattle Company

Old Shore Cattle Company is operated by young farmer Kristine Tapley who also works as an agrologist for Ducks Unlimited Canada. Kristine and her husband Graham reclaimed a gravel pit into lush pastureland for their cows.

CL Ranch


Located in Alberta’s beautiful Rocky Mountain foothills.

CL Ranch

CL Ranches was established in 1887 by the Copithorne family. They are passionate about raising cattle in an environmentally and economically sound manner to produce a high-quality product for consumers.

Garnet Valley Ranch


Reducing wildfire risk with targeted grazing.

Garnet Valley Ranch

Keith Manders operates Garnet Valley Ranches in Summerland, BC. After being affected first hand by wildfires, he witnessed how land that had been grazed by cattle turned, slowed or helped to stop the fires from spreading. He is part of a pilot project grazing cattle in areas adjacent to communities or important infrastructure as part of a low carbon solution that supports local food production.