The RoundUp App - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef
Everything Beef at your Fingertips

Available now for FREE download on iPhone, iPad and Android.

app-iconCreated by the experts at Canada Beef, this comprehensive tool will help you know how to buy the right cut and cook it with confidence.
The ROUNDUP™ app has it all!

Developed with pride by Canada’s beef farmers and ranchers.

In a Meat Muddle?

Canada Beef’s got The Roundup™ App for that!

Get cooking Canadian beef with inspiration on what to cook, how to cook and how to buy beef! The Roundup™ app can rescue you from any beefy confusion you may have (a.k.a. Meat Muddle).

So now whether you’re at the meat counter or on the couch, all you need to know to get the best from beef is at your fingertips from your smartphone or iPad.

Get it FREE!
Just search The ROUNDUP™ app to download

Whether sizzling a steak or rustling up a roast,
The ROUNDUP™ app can help with:
• searching cuts by name
• cut descriptions
• cooking know-how
• tenderness guide
• recipes and more…

The Roundup App is a Cut Above

The Roundup App offers all things beef at your finger tips. Developed by the experts at Canada Beef, this comprehensive tool will help you know how to buy the right cut and cook it with confidence.

  • ONE

    1.The Roundup app differentiates itself by being a cut-focused culinary app, providing you with information on all cuts of beef and fun facts on how to cook with them, it’s not just recipes.

  • TWO

    Did you know that the further from the hoof, horn or hip, the more tender the meat?


    The way you cut your roast can actually affect tenderness – carve oven roasts in thin slices across the grain for best tenderness.

  • FOUR

    Sometimes you are looking for a recipe to fit an occasion, The Roundup categorizes recipes in creative ways so whether you’re looking for meals for camping/the cottage, a dinner party, or hosting kids, this app has got you covered.

  • FIVE

    Grocery shopping for beef can sometimes be intimidating, but The Roundup app can help guide you through the meat counter with information on what cuts to look for, and substitutions if your cut is not available.

  • SIX

    The Roundup has life-like visuals so you aren’t left trying to compare real cuts of meat to cartoon interpretations.


    There’s no need to switch to YouTube with this app, it has how-to and recipe videos included. So you can choose your cut, read some great tips on how to work with it and watch an instructional cooking video using the same cut, all in one place.


    Ever wondered what the difference was between “Grade A” and “Grade AAA” beef? The app will tell you what you need to know.