Meat Loaf Tacos - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef

Meat Loaf Tacos

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Meat Loaf Tacos

  • Prep Time: 15
  • Cook Time: 50
  • Total Time: 65
  • Serving: 6


Taco Seasoning Mix
6 tbsp (90 mL) chili powder

5 tbsp (75 mL) sweet paprika

1½ tsp (7 mL) EACH ground cumin and onion powder

1 tsp (5 mL) EACH garlic powder and salt

⅛ tsp (0.5 mL) cayenne pepper, or to taste

Meat Loaf Tacos
½ can (398 mL) refried beans

½ cup (125 mL) dry bread crumbs

3 tbsp (45 mL) Taco Seasoning Mix

½ cup (125 mL) salsa, divided

1 lb (500 g) Lean Ground Beef

½ cup (125 mL) frozen corn kernels

½ cup (125 mL) diced sweet red pepper

¾ cup (175 mL) shredded mozzarella or Cheddar cheese

12 hard taco shells

Toppings (optional): shredded lettuce, salsa, sliced green onion, diced tomato


1. Taco Seasoning Mix: Combine chili powder, paprika, cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and cayenne pepper, to taste, in an airtight container. Measure out 3 tbsp (45 mL) for tacos and cover and store remaining for another use. Store at room temperature for up to 1 year. (Makes about ¾ cup/175 mL.)

2. Meat Loaf Tacos: Combine refried beans, bread crumbs, 3 tbsp (45 mL) reserved Taco Seasoning Mix and half the salsa in a large bowl. Gently mix in in ground beef with a fork (careful not to over-mix). Press into parchment paper- or lightly greased foil-lined 9 x 5-inch (23 x 12 cm) loaf pan. Combine remaining salsa, corn and red pepper in another bowl; sprinkle on top of loaf.

3. Bake in a preheated 350ºF oven for 50 minutes, until a digital instant-read thermometer inserted into centre of meat loaf reads 160ºF (71ºC). Remove from oven, leaving oven on, and sprinkle with cheese

4. Using parchment or foil, lift meat loaf out of pan and transfer to cutting board; let rest for 5 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, warm taco shells in the hot oven for 5 minutes. Cut meat loaf into 12 slices; placing one into each taco shell and garnish with Toppings as desired.


You can freeze the remaining refried beans in an airtight container to use the next time you make this recipe.

Mix up casseroles, such as meat loaf, the night before, cover and refrigerate in baking pan so it’s ready to bake for dinner.

Bake meat loaf the night before and refrigerate. To serve, slice and place slices into taco shells. Microwave each filled shell for 30 to 45 seconds on HIGH.