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Pri-Med Conference May 8 – 10, 2024
Pri-Med is an annual medical education conference and trade show organized for primary care health practitioners. This year there were 2,303 attendees, most of whom were family doctors, nurse practitioners and pharmacists.

Canada Beef had a booth at the three-day show staffed by health and nutrition director Karine Rekunyk and consumer marketing executive director Joyce Parslow. Most booths at these shows are pharmaceutical companies, so visitors are often surprised and curious to see a food commodity booth. According to Rekunyk, conversations were engaging, and healthcare professionals were interested in learning about Canadian beef.

Resources featured at the Canada Beef booth included the new iron for pregnancy brochure, part of a series of educational materials about iron for different ages and stages. The team also debuted the revised 20 Reasons to #LoveCDNBeef, along with the updated audience engagement quiz. The quiz was a hit, and the results were instructive—most only managed to answer two to three questions correctly, highlighting the need for more education about beef for healthcare professionals.

The new assets featured updated nutrition messages and revised sustainability content reflecting the recent 2024 National Beef Sustainability Assessment findings. Attendees expressed interest in ordering Canada Beef’s patient education materials for their clinics and the order centre cards were a particularly popular takeaway.

Rekunyk noted that most of the healthcare professionals she spoke with had little knowledge about beef nutrition and sustainability. “This national conference provided an excellent opportunity to educate health professionals about key nutritional facts and debunk common myths about beef, the information they need when talking to their patients,” she said.
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Director, Health and Nutrition

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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Editorial contributor and oversight provided by Gina Teel, Director, Stakeholder Communications, Canada Beef.

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