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Beef continued to be a protein of choice for Canadian consumers in 2022, even as inflation kept retail prices on the high end for much of the year.

Statistics Canada’s 2022 consumption data tells a positive story for beef and animal proteins in general, with increases in per capita consumption reported across the board. The results were welcome news, given year-over-year increases in the retail beef price (+7.7%) outpaced Canada’s 2022 average inflation of 6.8%.

“The resiliency of consumer demand for beef was simply remarkable,” said Canada Beef President Michael Young. “Few were spared the pressures of a tough economic environment last year, yet Canadians continued to purchase beef when they could have opted for cheaper animal proteins.”

As noted by Canfax, when the effects of inflation are taken away, the beef price at retail rose only 0.8%. Factor in results for pork (- 2.8%) and chicken (+ 3.1%), and the average increase in retail meat prices at retail was 0.4%; thus, the majority of the increase (95%) was directly related to inflation.

Per capita total protein consumption (beef, pork, poultry, seafish) increased by 3.8% from 2021 to almost 80 kg/person retail weight in 2022. Ranked by percentage increase, pork led the group with per-person consumption up 6.6% to 15.3 kg/person (retail weight), beef gained 2.9% to 17.5 kg/person (retail weight), and poultry edged up 1.8% to 41.3 kg/person (carcass weight). Per person consumption of seafish rose to 4.8 kg/person in 2022.

Total beef consumption was up 5% to 967,166 tonnes, a significant 5% increase from 2021, partially driven by a 2.7% increase in population growth, noted Canfax. Domestically produced beef achieved an 80.6% market share, up from 79.8% in 2021.

Disappearance of Canadian beef (less imports) was up 6% to 779,000 tonnes. Net beef supply was 5% higher due to exports being down 2% and imports being up 1% and supported the increase in domestic consumption.
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