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Canada Beef at Seoul Food & Hotel Show
Canada Beef International Institute (CBII) Korea participated in Seoul Food & Hotel 2023, the largest food and hospitality show in Korea, held May 30 – June 2, 2023. Canada Beef joined forces with other Canadian premium food and beverage products to promote Canadian beef at the Canada pavilion.

With most COVID-19 restrictions lifted, there were many participants from abroad and from Korean companies. Around 42,000 industry contacts visited the show during the four days, an increase of 12% over last year.

Canada Beef supply partners were valued joint participants in the booth where they showcased chilled and frozen beef cuts popular in Korea. Leading Korean importers of Canadian beef staffed the booth together, building relationships with existing customers and developing new leads. Many retailers, food manufacturers, and foodservice companies visited the Canada Beef booth, learning about the attributes of Canadian beef and discussing potential marketing and promotion plans.

CBII Korea hired a professional chef for the tasting demonstration, creating interest and attracting visitors to the booth. The chef grilled and served Canadian beef four times per day while highlighting the attributes of Canadian beef and providing cooking tips to 1,500 visitors in total during the show.

The Canadian Embassy organized four cooking demonstrations and tasting events during the exhibition featuring celebrity chef Sinae Hong. CBII Korea supported Chef Hong’s first session, where she introduced Canadian beef and used it to make a traditional Korean dish—ground, seasoned, and grilled beef ball. Around 40 people attended the event which provided a valuable opportunity to work with a well-known chef and raise the profile and awareness of Canadian beef.

CBII Korea will participate in two more exhibitions in 2023, including Meat Expo in June and Food Week in November. These shows provide the opportunity to promote and support Canadian beef products and suppliers and their Korean importers and distributors.

Japan COVID-19 Update
Economic activities are returning to normal in Japan after the government downgraded COVID-19 to a low-level infectious disease on May 8. Individuals and businesses are free to make their own choices about anti-coronavirus measures.

South Korea COVID-19 Update
The government downgraded the status of the COVID-19 crisis from "serious," the highest level, to "alert," on June 1. With the alert level lowered, the COVID-19 isolation period of seven days has been shortened to five days and is no longer mandatory. The country's mask mandate now only applies to hospitals with inpatient rooms and residential-type high-risk facilities.
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Japan and South Korea Team
Yuko Onizawa, Ichiro Kiyotomi, Takako Toyama, YG Shin

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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