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Social Media Campaign with popular steak restaurant
Canada Beef partnered with @ButcherSteakJoint restaurant to showcase the different Canadian beef brands featured on the restaurant's menu. The collaboration aimed to highlight the variety of Canadian beef options available to consumers and raise awareness about the grades and quality of Canadian beef products. A key objective of the partnership was to dispel the misconception that certain popular high-quality beef brands distributed in Mexico originate solely from the U.S.

To achieve this goal, Canada Beef and Chef Paulo Aguirre collaborated on creating six short reels highlighting the Canadian beef brands. The first video, featuring a Rib Eye primal of Canadian origin, was particularly successful, garnering 165,244 plays on Canada Beef's and Butcher Steak Joint's primary social media platforms.

The promotional campaign for the videos was implemented across social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The videos were targeted towards food enthusiasts, culinary experts, and consumers interested in high-quality beef products. The campaign generated significant engagement and interest on social media, with viewers expressing curiosity about the diverse range of Canadian beef brands and suppliers available in the market.

Overall, the partnership between Canada Beef and the chef/restaurant proved to be a successful initiative in showcasing the variety, quality, and origin of the highlighted beef products. The collaboration effectively raised awareness and appreciation for Canadian beef among consumers. The engaging and visually informative videos created for the campaign captured the attention of a broad audience and reinforced Canada's reputation as a leading producer of high-quality beef products.

View a 1-minute video with highlights of the activities.

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Director, Market Development, Mexico & Latin America

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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