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Graded for Greatness consumer marketing campaign
Canada Beef’s recent Graded for Greatness campaign was developed to foster consumer interest in, understanding of, and appreciation for the value of Canadian beef quality grades. The campaign highlighted the benefits of Canada AA, Canada AAA, and Canada Prime grades of Canadian beef.

The campaign had several media components and a consumer marketing event. Each media component featured calls to action to visit the Graded for Greatness web page which housed materials developed to support the campaign. These included four videos documenting consumer knowledge and insights on grading and three animated videos as well as web and print content explaining what grading is and why it matters. Three how-to YouTube videos were also created to demonstrate how to best use Canada AA, Canada AAA, and Prime grades of beef.

A two-page print advertisement was developed targeting affluent, food-engaged adults. The ad was designed as a Question & Answer-style article for the March 2024 issue of House & Home magazine, Canada’s largest national subscriber magazine. The magazine reaches a combined 2.9 million print and digital readers.

The hands-on marketing execution was one session featuring beef consumers who signed up for the beef cook-along at the Royal Winter Fair (RWF) in November 2023. Consumers participated in a Canadian Beef Taste Challenge (read the story here), where they could taste and discuss Canada AA, Canada AAA, and Prime grades. The videos from this event became part of the Graded for Greatness web page and the digital consumer marketing campaign. One of the videos was used by the RWF for their promotion, reaching close to 6,000 consumers via their newsletter and advertising outreach.

A five-week national English-only digital marketing campaign undertaken at the end of February 2024 targeted beef consumers ages 28-54 who are food enthusiasts. The goal was to engage consumers in the educational content and drive traffic to the Graded for Greatness web page. The six videos used to engage consumers (the animated videos created for the campaign and three RWF cook-along videos) generated 5.54 million impressions and 70,000 clicks.

One of the campaign’s unexpected outcomes was that males accounted for 67% of the clicks, more than double that of the females. Typically, these campaigns see more female participation or produce a 50/50 gender split but the subject matter from this campaign seemed to resonate more with males.

The campaign was part of the Canadian Beef Advantage marketing efforts to consumers.

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Executive Director, Consumer Marketing

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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