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Thank you from Canada Beef
The Canada Beef team extended a thank you to the food processors, food industry and front-line workers for their commitment and dedication to feeding Canadians during this challenging time.

The post reads:

On behalf of Canada Beef, I want to extend our gratitude and thanks for the work you continue to do every day. In this uncertain time, you deserve recognition for all you are doing for the critically important work of feeding Canadians. We thank you for your service and dedication to our country. – President, Michael Young

COVID-19 and everyone’s in the kitchen
Canadians are seeking comfort food and spending more time in the kitchen; we have adapted and changed our social media focus from sustainability to recipes and beef cooking tips. Consumers are looking for distractions and cooking is a great option. Andrea Buckett - Cooks created a video featuring one of our top-performing recipes - Big Batch Burritos (a perennial favourite). Check out the recipe and video here.

Why we work with others to champion (Canadian) beef

We’re often asked, why do you work with influencers? Why can’t Canada Beef just communicate the content directly? It’s a good question. Canada Beef has established a strong voice and reputation as a top resource for beef information. Over this time, we’ve also worked with various food and nutrition influencers to support our campaigns, beef information and recipes. Here’s why working with others enhances the work we do.
  1. Influencers can help create content. The right influencer will understand their audience and the types of information they are seeking. Perhaps there is a topic or idea we hadn’t considered or thought was a challenge for consumers to understand. We work with influencers who have strong visibility across a variety of platforms.
  2. Influencers provide access to a new group of followers. They provide the opportunity to build brand awareness and to cast a wider net to attract new followers.
  3. Influencers can improve search-engine-optimization (SEO) and generate traffic and referrals to the Canada Beef website. Attracting new followers to the website is an important digital goal.
  4. Influencers can build brand credibility. Why is that important? Generally, people don’t respond to overt self-promotion. People are more likely to respond to third party comments compared to branded companies or organizations. Canada Beef works with influencers who we feel represent what we stand for and our goal is to make sure the correct information is communicated and presented. If an influencer can communicate on our behalf, we have achieved our goal.
It is a balancing act of understanding when to use our voice and when to use others. When we are correctly balanced, the results are positive.

Here are a few examples of projects we recently executed with influencers.

Canada Beef will continue to seek out key influencers to be a voice on topics that get fiercely debated and emotional in the media space – like infant feeding practices for example. We have witnessed that participating with key influencers can actually ‘block off’ an influencer from representing key competitors or at the least, ensure that beef is represented fairly and not in a disparaging way. Baby at the Table with Team Homan women’s curling team was the first time Canada Beef worked with Influencers to leverage the Health Canada recommendation that baby’s first foods should be iron-rich ones, like beef. The videos and posts had a strong response rate with all positive sentiments – a striking difference to the combative nature of comments received when Canada Beef alone distributed the message.

The development of six regional spokespeople (dietitians/culinary experts) to gain unpaid media TV broadcast spots under the overarching theme that “beef belongs as part of a wholesome balanced diet” was a new effort to keep positive beef messaging in front of large consumer audiences without paying for advertising. Much like mini cooking shows, each segment garnered 3 to 6 minutes of positive beef messaging in an editorial format coming from respected third-party endorsers to enhance the credibility of the message. Paige Hayes RD shows talks about combining proteins in a meal like beans and beef, which is a great way to get the unique nutritional benefits each food has to offer. Recipes: Egyptian Beef Bowl and Moroccan Meatballs with Herbed Slaw. Click to watch the segment.

Ducks Unlimited Canada and Birds Canada communicate messages on cattle and environmental benefits. This support provides the opportunity for our facts and information to be communicated to a new audience. In addition, they offer a different perspective on why beef is important which in turn builds credibility. Sustainability is a hot topic and is always challenged by audiences.

As part of the #mycanadianbeef campaign, we identified key demographic groups to target. These individuals were not part of our current audience base. To reach these individuals we needed to work with trusted media sources as the authors of our content. We worked with agencies such as Daily Hive and Curiocity who, through their authors, wrote our content in the correct tone and voice for their audience base. The results were impactful with a reach of over 115K across four large urban markets. We also learned through an on-line quiz the topics that interested the audience and what educational information needed to be communicated. Here is a case study created by Daily Hive.

Introducing Sage Watson to #mycanadianbeef
We have added a new influencer to #mycanadianbeef campaign to promote Canadian beef. Sage Watson is an Olympic Track and Field athlete from Alberta and she grew up on a beef ranch (Watson Cattle Co.). Sage contacted us last fall keen to help promote Canadian beef. She offers a unique audience of runners, athletes, and sports nutrition followers with over 57,000 Instagram followers. Check out Sage’s page and videos here.

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Consumer Team
Joyce Parslow, Ron Glaser, Michele McAdoo

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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