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Canada Beef’s Healthy Aging Strategy research review explores the growing seniors’ market
Canada’s population is aging. Estimates project about one in four people in Canada will be over the age of 65 by 2040. As a growing segment of importance in Canada, Canada Beef’s Health and Nutrition team conducted research to better understand this demographic.

The team conducted the Healthy Aging Strategy review with an advisory group of Registered Dietitians with expertise in nutrition for seniors. The focus of this review was to gather key statistics about seniors, understand the health issues they face, and examine the available evidence about the role of beef in healthy aging. The team also designed and commissioned a consumer research study to explore beliefs and attitudes about beef from Canadians with a focus on those 65+. Highlights from the consumer research study are featured in a separate article in this issue.

Findings from our Healthy Aging review indicate there is a place for beef as a valuable food for seniors.

Highlights of our findings include:
  • Good nutrition, including an optimal amount of protein, is critical to preserving muscle mass, preventing frailty, and maintaining independence as people age.
  • Many seniors are not meeting their protein needs.
  • A plant-based diet may not supply an adequate amount of protein for seniors.
  • Including animal-based foods such as beef can help seniors optimize their protein intake.
People want to age well and maintain their health and independence, yet chronic diseases, loss of muscle mass, frailty and falls are common among older adults. This research will help shape future Canada Beef tactics aimed at seniors and the health professionals caring for them. Together with the consumer attitudes study, the results of this review support Canada Beef’s Consumer Marketing and Channel teams to develop strategies and messages that support seniors to choose beef more often.

For more information about this Healthy Aging research review, please contact Karine Rekunyk, Director, Health & Nutrition.
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Director, Health and Nutrition

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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