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Canada Beef engagement with health professionals at key conferences
Canada Beef’s Health and Nutrition team attended two important health professional conferences in November.

The Family Medicine Forum (FMF) is Canada’s largest and most comprehensive annual conference for family physicians. It is hosted by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). Conference programming features impressive keynote presentations daily and a myriad of continuing professional development sessions. Delegates include physicians, medical residents, international medical graduates, students, nurses, nurse practitioners, researchers, teachers, and other health care professionals.


Canada Beef participated in the three-day long FMF exhibit hall, speaking one-on-one with several hundred attendees. This year, the Canada Beef Engagement Tool was featured for the first time at this event. The Engagement Tool includes the Beef Quiz and the accompanying 20 Reasons assets. A new pregnancy resource was also launched that highlights the high rates of iron deficiency among pregnant women in Canada. Also introduced was the Diet and Wellness feature of the Canadian Beef Information Gateway.

Osteoporosis Canada (OC), a longtime partner of Canada Beef, released new Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) this fall. For the first time in Canada, these guidelines include a protein consumption recommendation (previous osteoporosis nutrition guidelines only pertained to consuming enough calcium and vitamin D). CPGs are used by health professionals in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis. The addition of messaging about the importance of protein for bone health is very significant for Canada Beef, reinforcing beef’s role for bone health, a key factor in living healthfully. Canada Beef updated the bone health recipe booklet to reflect the new protein guidelines.

To showcase the work Canada Beef has been doing in partnership with OC over the last several years, Canada Beef exhibited at OC’s Musculoskeletal Conference where there was the opportunity to network with key Canadian researchers in the field of bone health including the lead authors of the new CPG’s.

Feedback on the bone health resources was extremely positive, and there was much interest in the Diet and Wellness program of the Gateway, which includes a bone health recipe feature.

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Director, Health and Nutrition

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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