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Email Marketing still a winner.
With a dizzying array of social media platforms now in play, some pundits have predicted the end of email marketing programs. However, a closer look at this marketing strategy demonstrates that e-mail has a strong place in delivering the brand message and the recruitment and retention of a loyal customer base.

Used strategically, email marketing can leverage brand awareness, generate new customers, and solidify customer retention and loyalty. E-mail marketing is a time-proven platform that holds onto long-time existing customers and effectively extends its reach into new markets.

With this in mind, the Make-it-Beef Club (MIB) program was launched in Oct. 2007 to over 7000 consumers. Developed as an educational tool, the program was delivered to a dedicated audience accessed through the Heart and Stroke Cookbook’s give-away contest (as featured in Reader’s Digest Magazine). Its goal was to help consumers with meal planning and the preparation of heart-healthy, flavourful beef-centered meals at home, informed by the latest nutritional science.

Today, the MIB club has grown to over 40,000 members.

Canada Beef recently conducted a survey of MIB club members to determine how to continue the enthusiasm for the initial MIB initiative, and further engage and increase the MIB audience. The survey netted over 2000 survey respondents who shared their thoughts and impressions.

Survey Key Insights:
  • Members are loyal: significantly, 64% have received the newsletter for 1-4 years; 19% for more than 5 years; only 17% of respondents began receiving the newsletter within the last year.
  • Website posting is an effective communication strategy: 40% of respondents found the newsletter through placement on; 27% through social media; 17% from print media (recipe booklets).
In addition, a full 80% of respondents subscribe to the newsletter for Canada Beef recipe ideas and recommendations, while 15% engage for contest opportunities. Significantly, 95% of respondents read some or all issues – an indication that newsletter reach is robust and that the readership is highly engaged. Furthermore, 87% of Make It Beef subscribers refer back to newsletters for cooking inspiration and meal planning, demonstrating significant loyalty to content.

Who answered this survey?
  • 76% of respondents are over the age of 55; only 4% are under 34
  • 68% of respondents are female
  • 76% of respondents have no children living at home
  • 47% of respondents are from Ontario, 18% from Alberta and 14% from BC
Subscribers were also asked if they wished to join an Advisory Panel to aid in the development of consumer marketing programs and resources. Close to 35% of the survey respondents (690) signed on – a robust sample size, and one that will assist Canada Beef in extending its meaningful and relevant approach to proposed consumer marketing efforts.

This newfound information will be highly effective in the further growth and development of the Make it Beef email marketing efforts, assisting in greater consistency of delivery and furthering the goal of increasing the millennial (age 18 to 35) audience list size.

What to join the Herd? If you are not already a member of the Make it Beef e-newsletter, sign up here
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Consumer Team
Joyce Parslow, Ron Glaser, Michele McAdoo

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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