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Canada Beef recently launched its annual report detailing the organization’s activities and accomplishments for the past year. The 32-page report features a comprehensive overview of export market activities, the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence, consumer marketing and business development in Canada. It also features a COVID-19 update, market performance data and a financial overview.

“As highlighted in our first annual report, 2019/20 has been a year of evolution and adaptation for Canada Beef and the Market Development and Promotion Committee,” said Mike Kennedy, Chair Market Development and Promotion Committee. “The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected Canada Beef programs; consumer and trade marketing efforts pivoted with the changing business landscape to focus on providing reassurance around the safety of meat, as well as merchandising and consumer information programs. Despite these challenges, it was a successful year for the organization.”

The annual report also includes a summary of results from the stakeholder survey undertaken earlier this year—these results reflected the team’s efforts. “Overall satisfaction with Canada Beef was rated at 78%, a 12% increase over the previous year’s survey—our thanks to the Canada Beef team. Their hard work is the reason we saw this increase,” said Michael Young, President, Canada Beef.

The report features photos of events along with an overview of activities and highlights several interesting and innovative programs.

“While the past year has been challenging on several fronts, Canada Beef ended the year on solid footing with a clear path forward to achieve the goals and objectives identified in the National Beef Strategy,” said Young. “I invite you to review our annual report to learn about our team and the work we do on behalf of Canada’s beef producers.”

The report is available for download online here.
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