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Canadian Beef Video Goes Hip Hop Right now, life looks a little different; but it is the little moments that make up our story. Share something special with those you love. A Better Tomorrow is a video created to help consumers to reflect on the COVID-19 lockdown as a time to appreciate some of the good things these strange times have provided – like the time many of us have spent together in our kitchens socializing within our ‘bubbles.’ The new video is an opportunity to celebrate the small things like having fun outdoors while sharing good food and cooking together – with beef at the table of course. Canada Beef worked with StoryBrokers MediaHouse (Ben Wilson and Sarah Wray) to create the video with a ‘bubble’ of families in the Calgary area – all of whom just love to cook with beef. The theme was to highlight that food is one of the primary reasons we get together – and in many cultures, beef is often at the centre of a celebration. The StoryBrokers team proposed a visual story-telling approach that lets consumers see themselves as part of the story highlighting the joy of these simple special moments. The videography is designed to help consumers feel like they are looking at their own backyards. After all, it is the small memories and moments in the day to day, which make up the big moments of our lives. The people featured in this video are not actors to keep the piece authentic (and affordable). They all live in the same neighbourhood, share a backyard, and interact all the time. As evident by the natural interactions of the children and the adults. And as a big win for this production, StoryBrokers found the perfect sound-track to capture the mood and the message with Good News, a song written and sung by an up and coming Canadian Hip Hop artist Classified (just ask anyone aged 15 to 25 if they have heard of him). This is a different style and departure from the traditional music normally featured in Canada Beef videos to strengthen appeal with the millennial family demographic. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were utilized to promote the video using the hashtags #lovecdnbeef, #goodnews, #feelgood. Many producers and sister organizations shared the video from the producer FB page Canada Beef. The video has had over 3000 thru plays (video played to completion) and over 30,000 viewers reached. Harvey’s National Gratitude RV Tour Summer 2020 Canadian beef was part of a national marketing tour by Harvey’s Restaurants under the theme of Thank You Canada to show gratitude to those front-line workers in the grocery stores and other essential workers/first responders who have been working throughout COVID-19 to serve Canadians’ needs. Dubbed the Harvey’s RV Canadian Gratitude tour, this was a 38-stop event across Canada (excluding BC, NL, PEI and SK). The Harvey’s RV stopped at selected locations and offered front-line workers free burgers—either 100% all Canadian Beef Angus burgers or Maple Leaf Light-life burgers. For Canada Beef, taking advantage of Harvey’s investment allowed us to gain national exposure for Canadian beef, to express our gratitude to essential workers/first responders during COVID-19 – with a focus on grocery store staff who kept Canadian beef on the tables of Canadians. Marketing opportunities in this collaborative initiative included social media features of beef-pride, and beef sustainability messaging through image and video posts, PR media pick-up, and community in-person exposure. Canada Beef Partnership included Canadian beef branding on the tour truck – on the ‘crowd-facing’ side of the RV ‘kitchen’, by the serving window. Beef-pride gift-packs for grocery store manager giveaways – with social media exposure, service staff beef-pride gear to be worn in rotation with Harvey’s brand gear – public and social media exposure. It also included a press release generated and circulated by Harvey’s PR efforts while Canada Beef social platforms supported the promotion by posting of completed events across Canada. The posts highlighted the cities, staff and music events. Baby at the Table – World Iron Awareness Week – August 26 to September 1, 2020 World Iron Awareness Week is an annual marketing event initiated by the nutrition team at Beef + Lamb New Zealand in 2014 as a national campaign, with the support of other members of the International Meat Secretariat. Canada Beef has participated for the past three years as part of our Baby at the Table education and marketing efforts. Canada Beef continues to target young families with a focus on infants, toddlers and pregnant moms, building on the Health Canada infant feeding guidelines that emphasized the critical importance of iron-rich foods like beef as part of the transition to solid foods at 6-months of age. This year’s Canada Beef campaign included references to two new journal published research articles about iron and its critical role in brain development for babies during pregnancy and as infants transition to solid foods and into toddler phase. You can view the articles here and here. With nearly 2 billion of the 7.5 billion people on the planet iron deficient, iron is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world. This educational awareness campaign stressed the vital role of iron for energy, growth, repair, brain and muscle development through practical and helpful ideas of how to get baby to the family table with recipes that go easily from mom & dad favourite meals to baby foods at each stage of the transition to solids: purée, mash and finger foods. This year’s campaign used the hashtag #EveryBiteCounts. Four new recipes incorporating iron-rich beef were developed and featured at, along with striking social post visuals that demonstrated how the Meal turns into the 3-stages of age-appropriate baby foods. Here is an example of one of the recipes – Three Cheese Lasagna Skillet with Spinach. All of the other recipes and information can be found on this page Nutrition Beef for Babies. The #EveryBiteCounts creative along with recipes was highlighted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with social posts targeted to families. Back to main page Consumer Team Joyce Parslow, Ron Glaser, Michele McAdoo |
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