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Canada Beef provides a weekly selection of news headlines from around the world related to the beef industry. Click here for Trade Headlines.

A monthly summary report on trends for imports and exports of Canadian Beef. Click here for the current Beef Trade Report PDF.

A quarterly summary of market intelligence information related to the Canadian economy, retail, foodservice, and wholesale sectors as well as imports. Click here for the current Market Intelligence Report PDF.

The Beef Watch report provides an overview of emerging and current issues for the beef sector on an as-needed basis. Click here for the PDF.

A quarterly summary of market intelligence information related to the Canadian foodservice sector. Click here for the current Market Intelligence Report PDF.

Statistics for Canadian beef and veal exports by volume, value and price. Click here for the current report.

Statistics for Canadian meat exports to the EU and also imports from the EU to Canada by volume, value and price. A separate report for meat exports to the UK is available at the same link. Click here to find the current EU/UK report.
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Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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Editorial contributor and oversight provided by Gina Teel, Director, Stakeholder Communications, Canada Beef.

© 2024 Canada Beef. All rights reserved.