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Canada Beef sales increase in supermarkets
Although CBII Japan has suspended in-store sampling for retailers Canada Beef POS materials (labels, stickers, and recipe books) continue to be delivered to supermarkets across the nation. Beef stickers and labels are being added to their retail packs and Canada Beef recipe booklets are placed next to Canadian beef in the meat case. Sales of Canadian beef have been increasing as many consumers prefer cooking at home to dining out these days. The National Consumption-State Survey in March shows that expenditures for beef products per household increased by 10.6.% from the same month last year.

COVID-19 Update
Japan has lifted the state of emergency imposed due to COVID-19 in 39 out of 47 prefectures after a sharp fall in new infections. The order still applies in the cities of Tokyo, Osaka and on the northern island of Hokkaido where new cases are emerging daily. The government has called on residents to maintain a “new lifestyle” even after restrictive measures over COVID-19 have been relaxed.

Our in-market partners are very concerned over the supply available from Canadian beef packers as they are aware that Cargill closed their High River plant and JBS Processing reduced production. There is sufficient Canadian Beef supply in the market at this moment but the offer prices for June/July production went up dramatically.

Canadian Beef video for consumer marketing
As Japanese consumers cook more at home, CBII Japan uploaded a 60-second promotion video on the CBII Japan website. The goal was to create a video featuring Canadian beef to drive consumers to choose Canadian beef products in supermarkets during the pandemic. The video captures consumer attention and enhances awareness of Canadian beef to support sales at retail and e-commerce. A social media plan utilizing the News TV network will reach 420,000 viewers.

Japanese Website content development
The CBII Japan website is now linked from home page and the team continues to translate Canadian Beef Advantage (CBA) materials to distribute to in-market partners. A CBA video was translated and subtitles added and uploaded on the website.

Thank You Post
A thank you/appreciation social post was uploaded for people involved in the many roles and jobs within the food system under COVID-19 pandemic. CBII Japan team participated in this Thank You Post to share on the Japanese website and digital space. The following copy and image were translated into Japanese to be distributed in this market.

To our beef processing professionals, retail and foodservice operators, and frontline heroes, you keep food on our tables, you have our gratitude and thanks for the work you continue to do every day. We can't thank you enough for your service and dedication to our country.
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Japan Team
Yuko Onizawa, Ichiro Kiyotomi, Takako Toyama

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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