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Online ‘Cut it Yourself’ guide launched at Costco
Costco is well known for its Canadian beef selection, and for offering large primal pieces to its customers as a cost-saving option. Canada Beef has worked with Costco for over a decade to provide a helpful guide to show their customers how to cut these large primals into portion sizes to fit their family needs.

These informative print booklets were available for customers at the meat counter. With the onset of COVID, Costco decided to stop offering print materials at the meat counter so Canada Beef worked with Costco to find a way to make sure customers have the information they need to be successful at home with these larger pieces.

The solution was to create a place on Costco’s website offering content that can be viewed from a home computer, tablet or smartphone. Called Cut It Yourself Guide to Savings the pages feature easy-to-follow diagrams and instructions to prepare these Canadian beef primals at home. The information can be downloaded in a printable PDF brochure format as well.

On the web pages, Costco also includes clickable access to the cutting videos that demonstrate these how-to procedures at home (these videos were created by the team at the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence). After much negotiation, Costco will permit customers to leave their website while scrolling through the Cut it Yourself resources to view the Canada Beef videos on the LoveCDN YouTube platform. It is rare for Costco to allow third-party links on its website, a testament to its commitment to the Canada Beef partnership and the value they have for this new video content.

For an example of the videos, check out Beef Bone-in Rib: Cut it Yourself Guide to Savings. A list of all available Cut it Yourself videos is available here.

Costco asked to feature a photo of a beef farming family on the Canada Beef section of their website and on the front cover of the downloadable booklet. Saskatchewan ranchers Andrew and Laurie Johnson generously shared this image of their daughters for the front page. The Johnson family are advocates in the MyCanadianBeef consumer advertising campaign. Learn more about the farming family here.

The Costco webpages and cutting videos are available in French and English.

Both Canada Beef and Costco are promoting this new resource. Costco will be promoting the new booklet in French and English on their social media platforms and on their website with banner ads. They are currently adding search capabilities to their website so customers can easily find the information.

Canada Beef will support the Cut it Yourself Guide through social media efforts and digital communications. Make it Beef Club members (40,000) received notice of the new resource in the Make it Beef April newsletter, just in time for barbecue season.

Canada Beef also inserted an ad in the April issue of Costco Connection, the in-house magazine mailed to all Costco executive members. Additional copies are available at the warehouse for a total distribution of 4.1 million copies. The ad features a QR code that takes the reader directly to the Canada Beef page on the Costco website.

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Executive Director, Consumer Marketing

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Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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