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Canada Beef supports The Real Dirt on Farming
Canada Beef is pleased to work with Farm & Food Care Ontario (FFCO) on the sixth edition of The Real Dirt on Farming. This 62-page magazine answers consumer questions about food grown in Canada, where it comes from, and what farmers are doing to produce food that is sustainable, healthy, and safe. Canada Beef supported the project with funding and a technical review of the material.

FFCO recently announced a campaign to expand delivery of the publication. A digest edition of The Real Dirt on Farming will be distributed through a national campaign with Post Media. This project will include a full-page advertisement in each newspaper promoting the booklet insert (and a national contest for readers) as well as a copy of the digest version of the booklet in each paper. More than 212,000 copies will be distributed the week of April 11 through Post Media-affiliated newspapers, including the Vancouver Province, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, Times and Transcript (NB), Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Saskatoon Bridges, Regina Leader Post, Winnipeg Sun and the National Post in Toronto and Montreal. This means that 250,000 copies of the magazines will be distributed across the country by mid-April.

The FFCO team is working with CropLife Canada to distribute The Real Dirt on Farming to more than 2,300 Registered Dietitians across Canada. The sixth edition was also available at several major events, including the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies’ annual conference, the National Poultry Show, and at the annual general meetings of several commodity partners.

FFCO sent Canadian Members of Parliament English and French copies of The Real Dirt on Farming; these were sent to their main constituency offices as well as to the House of Commons. The magazines were accompanied by a bilingual letter that explained the resource.

Canada Beef uses this educational publication for both consumer and health professional outreach.
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