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The Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) 2023 proved to be a busy and productive time for Canada Beef staff. The team attended the Canadian Beef Check-off Agency (Agency) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and other industry meetings and engaged with stakeholders at the Canada Beef booth in the tradeshow area of the CBIC 2023, held in Calgary, Alberta, August 14-17.

Canada Beef hosted a special celebratory luncheon in honour of the 50th anniversary of continuous beef marketing activities in Canada and abroad during the CBIC. More than 450 conference participants attended the milestone-marking event, which was included in all full conference registrations.

Nostalgia ensued as participants enjoyed congratulatory video messages from key players involved in the evolution that gave rise to the creation of Canada Beef, followed by a special retrospective presentation by Canada Beef President Michael Young.

A special promotion that involved a choice of Beef Pride eStore merchandise for prizes was a key feature at the Canada Beef booth and helped make the booth a crowd favourite.


Also at the Agency AGM, the following individuals were confirmed to the Market Development and Promotion Committee (MDPC) for 2023-2024: Russ Mallard (Chair), Steve Christie (Vice-Chair), Jack Chaffe (Finance Chair), John Curtis (Canadian Meat Council), Jeff Cline (Canadian Meat Council), Andre Forget (Canadian Meat Council), Chad Ross (Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association), Coral Manastersky (I.E. Canada), Jennifer Haley (Veal Farmers of Ontario) and Members at large Mike Guest (Western Prime Meat Processors), Jim Clark (Ontario Corn Fed Beef, Ontario Cattle Feeders Association), Clay Holmes (Intercity Packers), and Cam Daniels (Harmony Beef).

The Marketing Committee is responsible for planning and establishing Canada Beef’s strategic, business, and operational goals and objectives and for the overall management and operation of the business and affairs.
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Tel: (403) 275-5890
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