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Consumer summer event at grocery retailer draws enthusiastic crowd
Canada Beef International Institute (CBII) Japan supported a summer consumer event on August 4 at the Kinsho Store in Osaka. The Kinsho grocery chain offers Canadian beef at all 35 locations.

The summer event – the first held in four years – received an enthusiastic response from consumers. Over 8,000 consumers applied to participate, with 1,000 attendees chosen by lottery. The venue was crowded with excited families eager to enjoy the celebration once again.

CBII had a booth and offered samples of Canadian beef throughout the day. The team also provided a presentation along with a quiz competition for kids. 

The Canadian beef samples were one of the most popular features at the event and provided an excellent opportunity to attract more Canadian beef fans.

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Japan and South Korea Team
Yuko Onizawa, Ichiro Kiyotomi, Takako Toyama, YG Shin

Suite 146, 6715 – 8th Street NE
Calgary, AB Canada T2E 7H7
Tel: (403) 275-5890
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