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The action continues for Canada Beef with the upcoming Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC) in Saskatoon August 19-22. The team is busy planning the final touches for its booth, which will be a triple threat in terms of demonstrating proficiencies in resource development, marketing and promotion initiatives and home-style hospitality via a new, inviting sociable lounge space where visitors can meet, greet and chat with Canada Beef President Eric Bienvenue.

The leadership team will also attend the Canadian Beef Check-Off Agency (Agency) Annual General Meeting held at the CBIC. Canada Beef’s 2023-2024 annual report will be available in time for the CBIC. New this year is a five-minute video overview of the annual report for stakeholders, which is set to debut at the Agency meeting. Canada Beef is also hosting the session, Brain Health: the unique role of animal-sourced foods for brain and mental health, featuring Doug Cook, MHSc, RD, a leading expert on nutrition and brain health.

We look forward to connecting with beef industry stakeholders at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon and hope to see you there.
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Editorial contributor and oversight provided by Gina Teel, Director, Stakeholder Communications, Canada Beef.

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