Braised Beef Curry - Canadian Beef | Canada Beef Print
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Braised Beef Curry

Braised Beef Curry

  • Prep Time: 25
  • Cook Time: 90
  • Total Time: 155
  • Serving: 6


pound (500 g) boneless Canadian Beef Blade or Shank, cut into 1-1/2 inch cubes, trimmed
Salt and pepper
Canola oil
1 large onion, cut lengthwise into wedges
½ inch piece unpeeled gingerroot, thinly sliced
1/3 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp green curry paste
1 can (400 mL) coconut milk
1 EACH: carrot and sweet pepper, cut into 1-inch chunks
½ cup halved green beans
½ cup coarsely chopped kale


Season beef cubes all over with salt and pepper. Heat a splash of oil in a heavy Dutch oven or cast iron roaster over medium-high heat until sizzling; add half the beef and brown all over in 2 batches. Remove from pan; set aside.

Add onion and gingerroot to pan; sauté until just softened. Stir in broth, scraping up brown bits from bottom of pan. Stir in curry paste and coconut milk. Add reserved beef and any juices.

Cover tightly; cook in a 325°F oven for 1-1/2 hours. Add carrot, sweet pepper and green beans; cook for another 20 to 30 minutes, until veggies are tender. Remove slices of gingerroot and stir in kale. Serve spooned over steamed rice.